Archived Online Courses

Groundwater Resources Management

About this course An estimated 75% of the African population relies on groundwater for their drinking water. Groundwater supports social and economic development and will become increasingly important in the face of climate change, droughts and floods. Groundwater is the “invisible” part of the hydrological cycle and a clear understanding of its physical environment (quality, […]

Groundwater Resources Management Read More »

Gestion de la sécheresse à des fins de suivi et d’alerte précoce

Gestion de la sécheresse à des fins de suivi et d’alerte précoce Les sécheresses ont des répercussions profondes, étendues et souvent sous-estimées sur les sociétés, les écosystèmes et les économies. Elles constituent un risque complexe. Si la sécheresse est un phénomène climatique récurrent et naturel, le changement climatique entraîne une augmentation des températures et de

Gestion de la sécheresse à des fins de suivi et d’alerte précoce Read More »

Integrated Drought Management: Monitoring and Early Warning

Integrated Drought Management: Monitoring and Early Warning Integrated Drought Management online course "Monitoring and Early Warning" from WMO – OMM on Vimeo. Droughts have deep, widespread, and often underestimated impacts on societies, ecosystems and economies. While drought is a recurring and natural climatic phenomenon, climate change is increasing temperatures and evaporation as well as disrupting

Integrated Drought Management: Monitoring and Early Warning Read More »

Integrando datos para mejorar la protección y restauración de ecosistemas de aguas continentales

Integrando datos para mejorar la protección y restauración de ecosistemas de aguas continentales Acerca de este curso Los ecosistemas de aguas continentales son fundamentales para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Proporcionan servicios ecosistémicos cruciales, sostienen los medios de la vida y el desarrollo económico y apoyan la biodiversidad. Hoy, los ecosistemas

Integrando datos para mejorar la protección y restauración de ecosistemas de aguas continentales Read More »

Instructor-led Online Course on WASH Climate Resilience

Instructor-led Online Course on WASH Climate Resilience About this Course Droughts, flooding, rising sea levels and extreme weather are already affecting the access to WASH facilities and servicesand putting the lives of millions at risk.  In order to protect communities, it is vital that water and sanitation systems are resilient to the impacts of climate

Instructor-led Online Course on WASH Climate Resilience Read More »

Gestión Integrada de Aguas Subterráneas

Gestión Integrada de Aguas Subterráneas Acerca de este curso Las aguas subterráneas constituyen la fuente de abastecimiento de más de dos mil millones de personas en el mundo.  Son un recurso vital para el suministro de agua en áreas rurales como también en áreas urbanas y periurbanas.  Innumerables emprendimientos productivos (agrícolas, industriales, mineros, etc.) dependen

Gestión Integrada de Aguas Subterráneas Read More »

Preparing proposals to access funding for groundwater-related infrastructure

Preparing proposals to access funding for groundwater-related infrastructure About this Course Welcome to the Training Course on Preparing Proposals to Access Funding for groundwater resource development. The purpose of this course is to increase your knowledge and skills and build your capacity to prepare successful funding proposals for groundwater related infrastructure, emphasising the importance of

Preparing proposals to access funding for groundwater-related infrastructure Read More »

Formation sur les Normes d’assainissement sans égout: ISO 24521 et ISO 30500

Formation sur les normes ISO 24251 et ISO 30500: Normes d’assainissement sans égout Introduction Ce cours fait partie d’une formation mixte visant à encourager l’adoption et l’utilisation nationales de deux normes internationales d’assainissement sans égout, ISO 24521 et ISO 30500. Ces formations s’adresseront aux organismes nationaux de normalisation en collaboration avec les ministères concernés, les

Formation sur les Normes d’assainissement sans égout: ISO 24521 et ISO 30500 Read More »

Training Course for ISO 24521 and ISO 30500: International Non-sewered Sanitation Standards

Training Course for ISO 30500 and ISO 24521:  International Non-sewered Sanitation Standards Introduction This course aims to encourage the national review, adoption and use of two international non-sewered sanitation standards, ISO 30500 and ISO 24521. It intends to expand the reach of these standards beyond national standards bodies and increase collaboration with WASH sector stakeholders such

Training Course for ISO 24521 and ISO 30500: International Non-sewered Sanitation Standards Read More »