
Arg Cap-Net: Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

The Argentine Association of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (AIDIS) together with the Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering organised the XXXVII AIDIS Inter-American Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, held from 12 to 15 April in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The theme of the congress was “Agenda 2030. Innovation and efficiency for sustainable development”, which expresses

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Short documentary: “Arsenic free water”- an integrated approach

The documentary “Arsenic free water”- an integrated approach (Original: Arsenic Mukt Jal – Ek Samuhik Prayas) aims to build awareness on arsenic commination, its impact and mitigation of arsenicosis among key stakeholders and the Integrated Arsenic Mitigation Platform (IAMP) groups. The video was developed by SaciWATERs (Cap-Net affiliated network) with the support of Cap-Net UNDP

Short documentary: “Arsenic free water”- an integrated approach Read More »

SDG 6.6.1 pilot project

SDGs Partnership Platform: SDG 6.6.1 pilot project published

The #SDGAction37986 “Integrating freshwater data into sector-wide decision making to improve the protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems – pilot project” jointly developed between UNEP-DHI, Global Water Partnership and Cap-Net UNDP has been published on the Partnerships for SDGs online platform. The initiative The activity will ensure to encourage and promote the integration of environmental

SDGs Partnership Platform: SDG 6.6.1 pilot project published Read More »

Climate South Asia

Climate leadership and interdisciplinary research methods

On 7-15 December 2020 SaciWATERs-CapNET network (SCaN), the South Asia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies, conducted a training workshop on climate leadership and interdisciplinary research methods for post-graduate students of IWRM in four South Asian universities – Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Dhaka), Anna University (Chennai), Nepal Engineering College, and University of Peradeniya

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Water Management

Coming soon: new online courses

Are you planning to learn more during 2021? Soon you can join our online courses. The Cap-Net virtual campus is our online hub for learning activities in sustainable water management. In 2020 the Virtual Campus has enabled 2354 water stakeholders to improve their skills and more than 15 online courses were completed.    In motion Currently, four courses

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Webinar series: Water and Climate

Join us on the webinar series that set out contributions to strengthen climate and water linkages in national frameworks including NDCs, NAPs and various investment mechanisms.  The webinars “Water and Climate Coordination: Supporting the NDCs and future implementation under the Paris Agreement” are jointly developed by Cap-Net, UNDP, Global Water Partnership, AGWA, SIWI and the

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