
Regional training course on Earth Observation tools for wetlands ecosystems management and Valuation from 18-22 April, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya

The objectives of the training course were for participants to gain a better understanding of the earth observations tools and concepts ; be more familiar with using EO as tools for wetland ecosystem management ; learn how to map and monitor the wetland ecosystem, and be familiar with open source EO tools such as QGIS/WOIS

Regional training course on Earth Observation tools for wetlands ecosystems management and Valuation from 18-22 April, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya Read More »

Regional Training on Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income and Peri-Urban Communities – 21-25, September 2015

WaterCap in collaboration with WaterNet and the Institute of Water and Sanitation Development (IWSD), organized a five days training on “Sustainable Water supply and sanitation for low income and peri-urban areas”. The training was attended by 20 participants from 12 countries within the Eastern and Southern region of Africa. The course addressed the challenges and

Regional Training on Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income and Peri-Urban Communities – 21-25, September 2015 Read More »