Countries covered | Sri Lanka |
Network profile | Cap-Net Lanka is a network for capacity development in sustainable water management in Sri Lanka and the region. It is governed by a Country Coordinator (Network Manager) who is assisted by a strong team of core members and more than 100 regular members. Further, Cap-Net Lanka is supported by national and international institutions and networks committed to capacity development in the water sector. Cap-Net Lanka was launched on the 4th October 2003 as a country partner to Cap-Net UNDP and hosted at the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Since then, Cap-Net Lanka has grown from strength to strength with the main funding from the Cap-Net UNDP and became an active outreach arm of the PGIA in capacity development in sustainable water management. It has aligned its activities with the mission and goals of Cap-Net UNDP while catering to the national needs. Cap-Net Lanka aims are to: – increase access to education, training and research in IWRM – enhance co-ordination among capacity building institutions dealing with water -facilitate efforts of network members to strengthen their capacities in delivering capacity building services and – stimulate interaction among water professionals. |
Network highlights, achievements | -Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) in IWRM in South Asia -National ToT trainers in IWRM -Training workshop on water policy -Awareness program for NGO’s, Government and other relevant sectors in IWRM -Awareness program on IWRM for school teachers -Gender and water dialogue -Training on Wastewater Management: New Strategies for Industrialists, Public Health Officers (PHI), Environmental Officers (CEA) and School Teachers and Students. -Climate change awareness and adaptation programs to farmer leaders and officers -ToT on WASH for hygiene promotion at rural level -Introducing “Aqua Republica” (a watershed management computer game) as a knowledge management tool to school children and teachers. -“Junior Water Awards” for innovation to school children -Symposium on the use of groundwater for agriculture in Sri Lanka -Symposium on development initiatives in water sector by NGOs -Symposium on water supply, sanitation and wastewater management -Symposium on urban lake monitoring and management -Symposium on the availability and the use of groundwater in the dry zone of Sr Lanka -Support to the annual water professionals’ symposium -Symposium on Urban Water and Coastal Zone Management |
Partnerships | Sri Lanka Water Partnership (SLWP) -Climate change -Water pollution prevention -IWRM World Vision Lanka (WVL) -IWRM -Water quality and waste management -Training of trainers for hygiene promotion at community level Board of Study in Agricultural Engineering -IWRM -New technology -Climate change |
Contact information | capnet.lk@gmail.com |
Social media |