Bringing light to the topic Water Security and Education, Dr Marta Paris, Co-coordinator of LA-WETnet, participated at the online National Conference on Water and Education in Argentina on 4 November.
The event was organized by Federal Water Council (COHIFE), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Services Province of Córdoba (Provincial Administration of Water Resources) and Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of the National University of Córdoba.
More than 2,700 people participated in the Conference, together with 1,500 teachers from different parts of Argentina and countries in the region.
“Education is a key element to guarantee development and to improve the level of water security of the population -this is to guarantee the water supply, subsistence uses, production, the protection of ecosystems, goods and people ” affirmed Marta Paris.
“The concept of water security also contributes to the realisation that water problems are multiple and not necessarily hydrological. Many times they derive from inadequate management or from a lack of governance. To bridge this gap, it is necessary to train capacities in order to: ‘know how’ to know hydrological systems; ‘know how’ to solve water problems; and knowing how to be -citizens and responsible managers of water resources ”, concluded Marta Paris, FICH UNL professor.
Access the recording of the conference here (in Spanish).