MyCDNet general annual meeting 2019

cap net news

On 4 December 2019, the Malaysian Capacity Development Network for Sustainable Water Management (MyCDNet) held its 6th Annual General Meeting, attended by 24 of its members.

The Network Manager, Dato’ Ir Lim Chow Hock, welcomed everyone and introduced MyCDNet and Cap-Net UNDP to the newer members for them to understand its delivery mechanism and benefits of being part of it. Dato’ Ir Lim Chow Hock also gave an update from the Cap-Net Network Managers Meeting and the changes that had taken place during 2019.

Honorary Secretary, Dr Jamie Chong, presented the Secretary’s Report, outlining MyCDNet’s management and the six Steering Committee Meeting held in 2019, as well as the activities completed, including atechnical site visit to Kualiti Alam Waste Management Centre and the Environmental Preservation & Innovation Centre (EPIC), training of trainers on integrated urban river basin management, the biennial National Forum 2019 on water for sustainable development, and the intermediate training of trainers course on water safety plan.

Honorary Treasurer Ir C. Kamalesen presented an overview of the activitiesg from January to October 2019 and projected the income and expenses for November and December 2019.

To close the meeting, the Network Manager encouraged everyone to join and support the trainings on Cap-Net Virtual Campus, which are all free of charge. At the national and regional levels, MyCDNet aims to collaborate more with other social/environmental organisations and Cap-Net partner networks in the South East Asian region.