
Cap-Net Annual Report 2017

After completing its 15th successful year, as the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) delivery mechanism within the Water and Ocean Governance Programme (WOGP), Cap-Net, the global network for capacity development in sustainable water management, effectively delivered once again in 2017. Impact can be linked to changes in policy and mindset, from shaping the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda with a dedicated water goal,

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“A repository of knowledge on water related issues” by IWLearn

Knowledge portals are one way of actively sharing information –they often are comprised of organized information, knowledge networks and communities, discussion forums and collaborative work-spaces, to better encourage and transfer a more spontaneous exchange of tacit knowledge. In this article, IWLearn shares on the The Flood and Drought Portal which provides a set of online

“A repository of knowledge on water related issues” by IWLearn Read More »

MyCDNet National Forum 2017 – 24 to 25 October 2017, Kuala Lumpur

MyCDNet (Malaysian Capacity Development Network for Sustainable Water Management) will be hosting the National Forum 2017 on 24 – 25 October 2017 with the theme “Wastewater as a Resource: Opportunities & Capacity Development”. The aim of the Forum is to share information and ideas on best practices in wastewater resources management, technology, usage and opportunities available for Malaysia, and to

MyCDNet National Forum 2017 – 24 to 25 October 2017, Kuala Lumpur Read More »

Cap-Net Welcomes Dr. S. Pathmarajah as new Network Manager for Cap-Net Lanka

Dr. S. Pathmarajah has been appointed as new coordinator for the Cap-Net affiliated network Cap-Net Lanka. He is succeeding Prof. Nimal Gunawardena, who headed the network for the last 2 years. Dr. Pathmarajah is a senior lecture of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture University of Peradeniya. You can read more about Dr.

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University course “Integrated Water Resources Management” presented in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

        Round table presentation of the course “Integrated Water Resources Management” adapted for the universities of Kyrgyzstan was held on October 4, 2016, in Bishkek. The round table discussion was organized by the Central Asian Regional Water Network CAR@WAN with the support of the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,

University course “Integrated Water Resources Management” presented in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Read More »

Aqua Republica: Piloting Serious Gaming for Water Education, 18th -19th September 2015, Kenya

WaterCap in collaboration with UNEP-DHI piloted Aqua Republica serious gaming (Cap-Net version) with secondary schools students in Nairobi, Kenya. Students from Shree Cutchi Leva Patel School and Sunshine Secondary School participated in the piloting of the Aqua Republica game on 18th September 2015, followed by a teacher workshop on 19th September. The activity aimed at

Aqua Republica: Piloting Serious Gaming for Water Education, 18th -19th September 2015, Kenya Read More »