
Arsenic water contamination information and mitigation practices shared with teachers and students in India

Type of Change: New/further knowledge gained  Boundary Level: Community  Summary/Theme: Arsenic water contamination information and mitigation practices shared with teachers and students in India  India faces a severe drinking water crisis with more than 50 million people exposed to arsenic contaminated groundwater. There are several regions in the country affected with arsenic contamination and with no access or very limited […]

Arsenic water contamination information and mitigation practices shared with teachers and students in India Read More »

Arsenic mitigation practices shared with social health activists and nurses in India

Type of Change: Changes in practices and programs’ implementation  Boundary Level: Community  Summary/Theme: Arsenic mitigation practices shared with social health activists and nurses in India Arsenic contamination is a real challenge in many areas in India. SCaN conducted a series of training courses on arsenic mitigation technologies to accelerate and empower key stakeholders with the knowledge required to mitigate water

Arsenic mitigation practices shared with social health activists and nurses in India Read More »

Changes towards efficient water use in paddy farming in the Deduruoya basin of Sri Lanka

Type of Change: Changes in practices and programs’ implementation  Boundary Level: Community  Summary/Theme: Changes towards efficient water use in paddy farming in the Deduruoya basin of Sri Lanka  Paddy is the staple food for Sri Lankans and the main income earner for rural farmers. However, the traditional way of cultivating paddy is highly inefficient regarding water use, as it uses

Changes towards efficient water use in paddy farming in the Deduruoya basin of Sri Lanka Read More »

Sri Lanka: student innovates with a smart water pipe cleaner to help decrease the level of water pollution

Type of Change: New/further knowledge gained  Boundary Level: Community  Summary/Theme: A school student innovates with a smart water pipe cleaner to help decrease the level of water pollution in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka  Cap-Net Lanka conducted the Aqua Republica Program at the University of Rajarata aiming to provide school children access to a computer-based knowledge management tool for sustainable water management. R.M. Ravindu Oshan Wijesinghe took part in the training

Sri Lanka: student innovates with a smart water pipe cleaner to help decrease the level of water pollution Read More »

Safe water usage and water source protection in the central hilly area of Sri Lanka

Type of Change: Changes in practices and programs’ implementation  Boundary Level: Community  Summary/Theme: Safe water usage and water source protection in the central hilly area of Sri Lanka  Cap-Net Lanka conducted a series of awareness programs: ‘Safe water usage and water source protection’ for leaders of water community-based organizations’ (CBOs) in the Badulla and Nuwara Eliya districts. These districts are located

Safe water usage and water source protection in the central hilly area of Sri Lanka Read More »

Food tower’ to grow vegetables in rural areas from Bangladesh which have saline water

Type of Change: New/further knowledge gained  Boundary Level: Community Summary/Theme: Developing a climate-adaptive solution called ‘Food tower’ to grow vegetables in rural areas from Bangladesh which have saline water.  Mr. Salah Uddin Titol works at a local NGO called SPACE (Society for People’s Action in Change & Equity) in Bangladesh. He participated in Cap-Net Bangladesh’s ‘Training of Trainers (ToT) on Climate Change, Water and

Food tower’ to grow vegetables in rural areas from Bangladesh which have saline water Read More »

WASH and Climate Change: Working with civil society and the local government from Bangladesh

Type of Change: New/further knowledge gained  Boundary Level: Community  Summary/Theme: Working with civil society and local government from Bangladesh to enhance awareness on the nexus between WASH and climate change through workshops and campaigns  Cap-Net Bangladesh conducted ‘National Level Training on Climate Change, Water and Health’. Mr. Mahbub Alam, Programme officer at the Association for Social Development in Bangladesh (ASDB), was a

WASH and Climate Change: Working with civil society and the local government from Bangladesh Read More »