
Congo Basin


CB-Hydronet Countries covered Congo Basin Network profile CB-HYDRONET is a network affiliated to CAP-NET UNDP, a global network of capacity development in sustainable water management. It is a regional network open to individuals, institutions and organizations interested in the development and implementation of capacity building activities in the countries of the Congo Basin, namely: Angola, […]

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CKNet INA Countries covered Indonesia Network profile The Collaborative Knowledge Network (CKNet) Indonesia is a collaborative knowledge network of academics and professionals in the field of infrastructure, water, and environment. We currently consist of 31 universities located throughout Indonesia, 1 government, and 1 professional institution. Network activities We work in the field of Water, Infrastructure

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MyCDNet Countries covered Malaysia Network profile MyCDNet, formed in 2014, focuses on empowering and strengthening capabilities through hands-on and virtual training, site visits, knowledge and experience sharing, and smart partnerships; to promote, facilitate, share and implement capacity development for sustainable water management in Malaysia through provisions and support of programs that foster outreach, training, education,

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NBCBN Countries covered Nile Basin Network profile NBCBN main scope of work is to create opportunities for Nile water professionals to have an equal access to information and knowledge through collaborative research projects, specialised training programmes  and dissemination of knowledge. NBCBN main activities are focused on applied demand driven research, training and knowledge agenda with

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Nile IWRM Net

Nile IWRM Net Countries covered Nile Basin Network profile We are a regional network established in September 2004 as non-profit network for enhancing capacity building in integrated water resources management in the Nile Basin countries.  Network highlights, achievements -Over 50 face-to-face courses involving over 1,600 people from government, universities, NGOs, private sector etc-More than 62

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PhilCapNet Network complete name PhilCapNet Incorporated Countries covered Philippines Network profile PhilCapNet is a non-stock non-profit association of water sector professionals who organize and deliver training and other capacity building activities on sustainable water resources management for and with water users, providers, policy-makers, and water-related institutions at the national and local levels.  It seeks to

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REDICA Countries covered Centro-america Network profile REDICA (Red Centroamericana de Instituciones de Ingeniería) is a network of engineering faculties, Research Centres and higher education institutions of Central America and the Caribbean, dedicated to promote sustainable development, through capacity building and development in IWRM, HRWS, EbA, MPA, Harvesting Water, Gender Equity, Adaptation to Climate Change and

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Red Mexicana de Recursos Hídricos – cap-net-mx (REMERH-cap-netmex) REMERH-cap-net-mex Countries covered REMERH-cap-net-mex is the Mexican national network affiliated at CapNet.  Who we are The main purpose of these networks is to strengthen cooperation and work relationships through the exchange between the members of: teachers, students and didactic material, as well as participation in research projects,

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SaciWATERs-Cap-Net Network (SCaN)

SCaN Countries covered India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives Who we are SCaN comprises of autonomous regional and national institutions and individuals committed to building capacity of water professionals across South Asia. Established in 2009, SCaN has successfully initiated activities in collaboration with various national, regional and international organizations. Through its capacity-building activities,

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WA-Net Countries covered West Africa Network profile WA-Net, the West Africa Network for capacity building on IWRM, is a regional initiative arising from the recognition of capacity gaps in organisations and agencies responsible for water resources development and management. WA-Net’s immediate objective is therefore to support, strengthen and promote co-operation among regional capacity building institutions

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