Africa y Medio Oriente



AGW Net Countries covered Entire Africa   Who we are The Africa Groundwater Network (AGW-Net) was established to increase awareness of the potential and value of groundwater across the continent and to contribute to capacity building in the groundwater sector in Africa.The objectives of AGW-Net are to: -Build capacity for improved groundwater management at all […]

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AWARENET Countries covered Africa and Middle East Network profile The Arab Integrated Water Resources Management Network (AWARENET) is an independent and impartial regional network of  research institutes, training centres, government institutions, NGOs and experts active that are engaged in the application of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) concepts in the Arab region and the development and delivery of IWRM

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Congo Basin


CB-Hydronet Countries covered Congo Basin Network profile CB-HYDRONET is a network affiliated to CAP-NET UNDP, a global network of capacity development in sustainable water management. It is a regional network open to individuals, institutions and organizations interested in the development and implementation of capacity building activities in the countries of the Congo Basin, namely: Angola,

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NBCBN Countries covered Nile Basin Network profile NBCBN main scope of work is to create opportunities for Nile water professionals to have an equal access to information and knowledge through collaborative research projects, specialised training programmes  and dissemination of knowledge. NBCBN main activities are focused on applied demand driven research, training and knowledge agenda with

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Nile IWRM Net

Nile IWRM Net Countries covered Nile Basin Network profile We are a regional network established in September 2004 as non-profit network for enhancing capacity building in integrated water resources management in the Nile Basin countries.  Network highlights, achievements -Over 50 face-to-face courses involving over 1,600 people from government, universities, NGOs, private sector etc-More than 62

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WA-Net Countries covered West Africa Network profile WA-Net, the West Africa Network for capacity building on IWRM, is a regional initiative arising from the recognition of capacity gaps in organisations and agencies responsible for water resources development and management. WA-Net’s immediate objective is therefore to support, strengthen and promote co-operation among regional capacity building institutions

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WaterCap Countries covered Africa Network profile WaterCap is an open Kenya country network for capacity building in sustainable water management. Through a shared commitment members mobilize knowledge, foster innovation and create opportunities including river basin management, water quality, leadership and governance, water financing and economics, and social mobilisation. Network highlights, achievements -Water and Inclusive Green

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WaterNet Countries covered Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe Who we are WaterNet is a regional network and Southern Africa Development Community’s (SADC) subsidiary institution for capacity building in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Its major aims are

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