Water security and Paraná river publications

Water Security - Parana River

Download and learn: The Paraná river in its middle section.

The manuals bring together the results of the daily work in various research and technological services carried out in the Paraná River, which have enabled us to understand and respond to complex problems whose solutions have been demanded by different sectors and community stakeholders over the course of this century.  Mario Schreider, coordinator of LA-WET net, together with Eng. Carlos Paoli, edited the two volumes of this book written by teachers and researchers from the Faculty of Engineering and Water Sciences (FICH) of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL, Argentina) and published by Ediciones UNL.

Download Volume I

Download Volume II

Training Manual for Decision Makers Water Security and the Sustainable Development Goals

Are you ready to learn the fundamental skills to achieve water security and the Sustainable Development Goals? The Training Manual for Decision Makers, Water Security and the Sustainable Development Goals was developed in the context of the course “Water Security and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, an initiative of the Working Group on Water, Education and Culture of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Program in Latin America and the Caribbean (PHI- LAC).

The manual was created by Dr. Marta Paris, coordinator of LA-WETnet and a prominent member of the UNESCO Water and Education Chair for Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Engineering and Water Sciences of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina).

The Distance Education Team of the FICH-UNL-Unesco Chair was in turn responsible for the graphic design, illustrations, editing of multimedia materials and proofreading of the writing.

The manual contains videos, the authors of which are mostly from UNESCO water family centers in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Download here.

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