Regulation in the water and sanitation sector based on the WASHREG methodology

About the course
This course was prepared by Cap-Net and SIWI to introduce the WASHREG approach, developed by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and to understand the elements involved in regulating the provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services that ensure effective, resilient and sustainable management. The course presents the key elements of WASH sector regulation, introducing a conceptual framework for regulatory reform, and a step-by-step methodology to help countries identify and plan the implementation of solutions to improve their regulatory structure and processes.
This course was funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), in the framework of the Go-Water Project implemented by SIWI.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, the participants:
- will know the fundamentals of the WASHReg approach and the importance of regulating the WASH sector;
- will understand the conceptual framework for regulating WASH services, including regulatory models, principles, roles, functions and regulatory areas of the sector;
- will know and be able to apply the WASHREG methodology, according to the needs of each country, and will have the capabilities to propose actions that strengthen sustainable and effective regulatory reforms for the provision of WASH services;
- will review and analyze good practice examples and cases describing how regulation in the WASH sector can be improved;
- will have access to updated, high-quality materials for support in specific thematic areas in regulating WASH services.
Course Structure and Content
The course consists of the following three modules:
Module 1. The WASHREG approach.
Module 2. The WASHREG methodology.
Module 3. Case studies and good practices.
The modules are based on the WASHREG approach, developed by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and will include recommended readings for a more comprehensive understanding of each of the topics.
Learning Methodology
Each module has an introductory video and required readings that are supplemented by additional resources: videos, websites and recommended readings. Participants are invited to share their knowledge and/or experiences and questions in the discussion forums in each of the modules. Course participants will find valuable and up-to-date readings, videos, suggested websites and on-the-ground experiences, and will be able to interact with other participants in rich forum discussions to connect course content with their experiences and challenges.
Answering and passing the test at the end of each module is a prerequisite for moving forward to the next module and obtaining the certificate of completion at the end of the course.
The course is open to participants from different interest groups from across the WASH sector around the world who are interested in actively following the course and completing all modules:
- Professionals who are involved in the WASH sector, development programs and members of United Nations organizations.
- Decision makers, policy makers and senior professionals and directors active in government agencies, especially entities with regulatory functions.
- Active capacity developers in the fields of sustainable management in the WASH sector, integrated water resources management, among others.
- People from civil society, academia, the private sector or international organizations interested in the WASH sector and its regulation.
Time Requirement
The estimated time required is 4 to 5 hours per module. Participants who wish to delve deeper with other suggested readings and related videos will need additional time.
Course and certification approval criteria
At least sixty percent of the multiple choice assessment questions for each module must be answered correctly. Participants have three chances to answer 60% of the questions correctly, and in all cases the platform will indicate the incorrect answers.