Virtual Course on ‘A Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)’ – 28 September to 13 November 2015.

The virtual course on ‘A Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)’ will take place from 28 September to 13 November 2015. The objective is of this course is to create awareness and strengthen the base for a Human Rights Based Approach to IWRM, giving due regard to efficiency, equity and sustainability considerations, against competing water uses and water stress.

By the end of the course participants will:

– have an updated approach and review of the main concepts and principles of IWRM, HRBA and water governance;

– understand the need for a rights based approach for IWRM including recognizing the difference between a water right and the right to water;

– review examples of good practices related to promoting HRBA to IWRM and establish a tool for the implementation of HRBA to IWRM;

– have access to updated quality materials in support of specific subject areas for human rights and water management.



The course is opened to a maximum of 40 participants representing various stakeholder groups from the entire water sector:

– Stakeholders and professionals forming part of water management, civil society, river basin or international organizations; development programmes and members of UN organizations; and representatives of the private sector;

– decision makers, policy makers, and high-level professionals and managers active in governmental bodies;

– capacity developers active in the fields of sustainable water management, Integrated Water Resources Management, Human Rights Based Approaches, amongst others.

As an introductory course, participants are not expected to have previous knowledge on Human Rights Based Approaches.


Registration/Application Procedures (IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)

There is no course fee; participants will be selected by the organizing committee based on gender, professional background, and geographic balance, as well as on their motivation and commitment to participate throughout the entire course.

Interested participants must complete the online registration form and submit the following documents to with subject «A HRBA to IWRM virtual course registration», before Friday, September 4, 2015.

1. Required. A 1-page profile, describing: educational and professional background; experience in water resources management, water capacity development, or decision making; participation in networks and/or alliances; any other relevant information related to the course subject.

2. Required. A 1-page motivation and commitment letter: explaining your interest in participating in the course; availability to dedicate at least 4 hours per week during the course duration and participate in the course activities; and your expectations in terms how will you apply and share the acquired contents in your field of work and with your colleagues.

3. Optional. A 1-page letter of institutional support: through which the institution where you work expresses interest in your participation in the course; explains why this will be an important training for you and the institution.



The course will be conducted in English. Cap-Net´s virtual courses will be available in other languages soon.

Contents and Course Structure

The course is structured by modules. Each module will run over 10 days (1.5 weeks), during which course participants must read basic contents and participate in suggested activities.


Course features

In all 5 modules, participants are expected to:

– Read basic contents
– Participate in the modules´ forum
– Prepare an individual or group exercise
– Respond –by the end of the module- a set of multiple choice questions
– Optional: Participate in a live session

Participants will also have access to other (optional) recommended readings, videos, and web links.


Participants expected dedication

Participants are expected to dedicate a minimum of 4 hours per week to the course. This is estimated on the basis of 1 hour per day (4 days a week), or two connections per week, each one of 2 hours. In total, this should add to 40 hours for the full course, in line with a 5-days face to face course.

This time dedication should be enough to review base contents and participate in all activities (forums, exercises, multiple choices). Participants who wish to read other suggested readings and related videos will require a bit more time.


Course contents will be facilitated by a team of specialists representing the WaterLex, UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI, REDICA, and Cap-Net UNDP. ')}

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