Symposium on Drought Management in the Region of Chorotega, Costa Rica – 27 March 2015, Nicoya Campus of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

On March 27, a symposium on ‘Drought Management in the Region of Chorotega, Costa Rica’ was organised by a former participant of the course. It took place at the Nicoya Campus of the Universidad Nacional, one of the most recent network members of REDICA. Four representatives from the Universidad de Costa Rica and Ms. Lilliana Arrieta, REDICA’s Technical Secretariat participated in this one-day capacity development in the north-western region of Costa Rica to discuss on drought and desertification as well as climate change adaptation. chorotega1

This location is part of the region’s dry arch and has been facing hardship due to water stress. As a result of this symposium, participants from the different public institutions will be working towards a coordinated approach and local community members and private sector representatives. For more information please contact Ms. Liliana Arrieta.


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