Our work

Cap-Net is UNDP´s global network for capacity development in sustainable water management within the Nature Hub's Water and Oceans Governance Programme.

Our work and strategic directions are in eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions; accelerating structural transformations for sustainable development; and building resilience to crises and shocks.

Our vision is “Water Knowledge for All: Empowering Individuals, Enabling Environments”.

Our mission is strengthened individual and institutional capacity, and knowledge base to formulate and implement relevant policies, laws and strategies at country, regional, water basin, and source-to-sea scales.

Our core values embrace those of UNDP and implementing partner Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWPO): Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Collaboration, Commitment, Inclusiveness, Openness, Respect, Gender sensitivity and Solidarity.

Three pillars of delivery

Cap-net Capacity Building
Capacity development

Partnership Strengthening
Partnership Strengthening

Knowledge Management


Capacity Development


By adopting the principles of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), water resources can be managed more efficiently and effectively. Improved water resource management will reduce water wastage, increase efficiency and economic return, improve water supply and sanitation for the poor, and reduce water conflicts. Improving management of water resources is arguably one of the most important strategies in order to prepare for and mitigate impacts of climate variability.


Partnership Strengthening


South – south collaboration through national and regional networks of experts forms a key strategy for the Cap-Net program. International partnerships, including collaboration with UN agencies, NGOs and the private sector, will improve aid effectiveness and increase sustainable impact on the ground.


Knowledge Management


Cap-Net promotes south – south sharing of experiences, aiming to have a positive impact on capacity development activities, education systems and local knowledge centres on the ground. By developing and sharing new knowledge Cap-Net is promoting adaptation to climate change and good water management practices globally. The training material is made freely available and shared with trainers and educators in order to increase adoption and application of knowledge at the local level.