Countries covered | Nile Basin |
Network profile | NBCBN main scope of work is to create opportunities for Nile water professionals to have an equal access to information and knowledge through collaborative research projects, specialised training programmes and dissemination of knowledge. NBCBN main activities are focused on applied demand driven research, training and knowledge agenda with special reference to transboundary water related issues. |
Network activities | NBCBN main scope of work is to create opportunities for Nile water professionals to have an equal access to information and knowledge through collaborative research projects, specialised training programmes and dissemination of knowledge. NBCBN main activities are focused on applied demand driven research, training and knowledge agenda with special reference to transboundary water related issues. |
Partnerships | Dar Es Salaam University, Makerere University, University of Rwanda, UNESCO Chair in Water Resources of Sudan, University of Burundi, University of Nairobi, Addis Ababa University, Hydraulics Research institute of Egypt, Egerton University, IHE-Delft, the Netherlands, ITC- The Netherlannds, Water Youth Network |
Contact information | nbcbn-sec@nbcbn.net |
Social media | N/A |