GEF IW:LEARN International Waters Project Management Course

The International Waters Project Management Online Course intends to be a primer for new project staff and those key stakeholders (implementing and executing agency staff, government officials and civil society partners) to understand the processes and approaches used in GEF IW projects.
About this Course
The main focus of this online Project Management Course is on GEF IW specific requirements within projects. This includes key issues such as:
- Roles and responsibilities throughout the project, from start-up to closure;
- Monitoring and evaluation including the adaptation of logical frameworks (log-frames) and reporting against indicators;
- Communications management, creating partnerships and raising public awareness;
- Information management and reporting;
- Developing a work plan for the project’s first year and maintaining a project budget;
- Ensuring adequate recording of co-finances and other financial matters; and
- Mainstreaming climate and gender within projects
Course Objective
To provide a common understanding of the expectations of GEF IW projects and to emphasize that Project Managers and Project Coordination Unit (PCU) staff should not be reticent in asking advice from more seasoned peers.
The course is open for International Water (IW) project managers, mid-level government staff, and practitioners who will be supporting GEF IW project implementation.
Interested participants are invited to complete the application form or by clicking on the apply now button. Applications will be reviewed by the IW: Learn team and all accepted participants will be automatically enrolled in the online course. Revision of applications and acceptances will take place the first week of each month. Selected participants will receive an email from Cap-Net Virtual Campus notifying their acceptance and indicating the steps to follow to access the course.
Contents and course structure
In each module participants will find valuable and updated readings, videos, suggested web sites, and experiences from the ground.
- Module 1: Introduction to the course
- Module 2: GWF IW Project Philosophy
- Module 3: The secrets of a successful project
- Module 4: The project checklist
- Module 5: Project Start-up
- Module 6: Project Inception
- Module 7: Project Implemetation
- Module 8: Project Closure
Language: English.
Structure: 8 modules.
Level: Introductory.
Content: readings, videos, forums.
Time: 25 hours.
Total time dedication: 6 weeks.
Institutions: Cap-Net, GEF IW: LEARN, UNDP, UNEP, IOC-UNESCO.