Congo Basin Hydronetwork launches a water resources information system

The Congo Basin Water Resources Capacity Building Network has developed an online information system that allows a wide range of end users, including academic and research institutions, governments, industries, investors, River Basin Organisations, etc. to easily access hydrological information to guide and inform decision-making of water management and water stewardship at local scales.

The Congo Basin Catchment Information System (CB-CIS) consists of a knowledge-based interface that provides high quality information on the structure, processes and functions of water resources at the catchment scale, as well as impacts of change in the physical environment and society.

The tool provides high quality information for water resources prediction and management at the catchment/ local scale, including the nine riparian countries of the Congo basin. It is intended to help parties establish a common language and a community of practice for water management and planning issues in the Congo Basin, while providing coherent guidelines to enable societal resilience.  These issues include ambitious and conflicting proposals for inter-basin water transfer, climate change and natural disaster risks, water quality and river pollution, and improved access to water resources services (agricultural, commercial, domestic, energy, environmental and industrial needs).

The current version, CB-CIS v1.0, displays a set of 1740 catchment units that have been partitioned across the whole basin, based on a set of comprehensive criteria, including natural break of the elevation gradient, inclusion of socio-economic and anthropogenic systems, and water management units.

Learn more on the platform: Congo Basin Catchment Information System | Development (

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