
Congo Basin Hydronetwork launches a water resources information system

The Congo Basin Water Resources Capacity Building Network has developed an online information system that allows a wide range of end users, including academic and research institutions, governments, industries, investors, River Basin Organisations, etc. to easily access hydrological information to guide and inform decision-making of water management and water stewardship at local scales. The Congo Basin […]

Congo Basin Hydronetwork launches a water resources information system Leer más »

Arg Cap-Net: Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

The Argentine Association of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (AIDIS) together with the Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering organised the XXXVII AIDIS Inter-American Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, held from 12 to 15 April in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The theme of the congress was “Agenda 2030. Innovation and efficiency for sustainable development”, which expresses

Arg Cap-Net: Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Leer más »

Documental – Agua sin arsénico: un enfoque integrado

El documental “Agua libre de arsénico”: un enfoque integrado (Original: Arsenic Mukt Jal – Ek Samuhik Prayas) tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la trituración de arsénico, su impacto y mitigación de la arsenicosis entre las partes interesadas clave y los grupos de la Plataforma Integrada de Mitigación de Arsénico (IAMP). El video fue desarrollado

Documental – Agua sin arsénico: un enfoque integrado Leer más »

Short documentary: “Arsenic free water”- an integrated approach

The documentary “Arsenic free water”- an integrated approach (Original: Arsenic Mukt Jal – Ek Samuhik Prayas) aims to build awareness on arsenic commination, its impact and mitigation of arsenicosis among key stakeholders and the Integrated Arsenic Mitigation Platform (IAMP) groups. The video was developed by SaciWATERs (Cap-Net affiliated network) with the support of Cap-Net UNDP

Short documentary: “Arsenic free water”- an integrated approach Leer más »

SDG 6.6.1 pilot project

SDGs Partnership Platform: SDG 6.6.1 pilot project published

The #SDGAction37986 “Integrating freshwater data into sector-wide decision making to improve the protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems – pilot project” jointly developed between UNEP-DHI, Global Water Partnership and Cap-Net UNDP has been published on the Partnerships for SDGs online platform. The initiative The activity will ensure to encourage and promote the integration of environmental

SDGs Partnership Platform: SDG 6.6.1 pilot project published Leer más »

Parana River

Publicaciones: seguridad hídrica y río Paraná

Descarga y aprende: El río Paraná en su tramo medio. Los manuales recogen los resultados del trabajo diario en diversas investigaciones y servicios tecnológicos realizados en el río Paraná, que han permitido comprender y dar respuesta a problemas complejos cuyas soluciones han sido demandadas por diferentes sectores y actores de la sociedad. Mario Schreider, coordinador

Publicaciones: seguridad hídrica y río Paraná Leer más »