
Annual Network Managers and Partners Meeting – 10 to 14 November 2014, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

The Annual Cap-Net Network Managers and Partners Meeting will take place from 10 to 14 November 2014 at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Hosted by WaterNet, this year’s theme is “Sustainable Networks, Financing, Activities and Managing Risks. Invited network managers and international partners will gather again in this 5 day meeting to discuss on matters about “Effective […]

Annual Network Managers and Partners Meeting – 10 to 14 November 2014, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Leer más »

Cap-Net launches its Virtual Campus for Capacity Development for Sustainable Water Management

As part of its 2014-2017 strategy, Cap-Net explore the use of diverse forms of new media for capacity development. This includes the development of a virtual campus which will function as a cross-cutting facilitation platform for all Cap-Net´s activities, affiliated networks and partners. The virtual campus is being built on a state of the art

Cap-Net launches its Virtual Campus for Capacity Development for Sustainable Water Management Leer más »

Training course on “Enhancing water negotiations and conflict management skills and fostering knowledge and understanding in international water law in Southern Africa” – 10 to 20 November 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa.

On behalf of the SADC Water Division, WaterNet will facilitate a training course on water negotiations and conflict management and international water law between the 10th and 20th of November 2014 in Johannesburg South Africa. The course which will be financially supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and will comprise of two parts.

Training course on “Enhancing water negotiations and conflict management skills and fostering knowledge and understanding in international water law in Southern Africa” – 10 to 20 November 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa. Leer más »

Português A Plataforma para a Gestão Integrada e Sustentável de Água, Saneamento e Segurança Alimentar (GISA) é uma ferramenta interativa para promover a partilha de informação e a capacitação, apoiando profissionais no planeamento e na implementação de iniciativas sustentáveis e integradoras ao nível local. A GISA integra a gestão da água, o saneamento sustentável e

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Report on Training programme on Water Diplomacy by Dr. Neena Rao (SCaN-South Asia Network Manager) – 23 to 28 June, 2014, MIT, Boston.

A training programme on Water Diplomacy was conducted at MIT, Boston from 23 to 28 June 2014. Dr. Themba Gumbo, Director of Cap-Net UNDP and Dr. Neena Rao, Network of SCaN were invited to attend this joint-learning workshop which was aimed at creating a global network of reflective water professionals as well as conveying key

Report on Training programme on Water Diplomacy by Dr. Neena Rao (SCaN-South Asia Network Manager) – 23 to 28 June, 2014, MIT, Boston. Leer más »

Preparation of “Human rights-based approach to Integrated Water Resources Management (HRBA to IWRM)” training package Meeting with Cap-Net Partners – 4 to 6 June 2014, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro.

A three day meeting took place at the Cap-Net UNDP office in Ilha do Fundao in Rio de Janeiro from 4-6 June 2014, with the objective to develop material and plan future activities for the training manual in applying the human rights-based approach to integrated water resources management (HRBA to IWRM). This meeting was important

Preparation of “Human rights-based approach to Integrated Water Resources Management (HRBA to IWRM)” training package Meeting with Cap-Net Partners – 4 to 6 June 2014, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro. Leer más »

Cap-Net Welcomes Lan from Laos

Cap-Net welcomes Lan (Phousavanh FONGKHAMDENG ) from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). Lan joins Cap-Net as Network attachment in Partnership Development for 3 months. Lan holds a Bachelor Degree on Environmental Science from the Centre for the Environment and Development Studies (CEDS), National University of Laos. He is a government official attached to

Cap-Net Welcomes Lan from Laos Leer más »