Capacity Building in the Water Sector in Southern Africa – 27th of August 2015

WaterNet in collaboration with SIWI and NEPAD held a special session on Water Management and Development in Southern Africa during the World Water Week (WWW) in Stockholm on the 27th of August 2015. In the session, we wanted to discuss innovative new ways of approaching capacity building in the southern African region. The session which was attended by representatives from government, academia, consultancies, and non-governmental organisations discussed current capacity building initiatives and also reviewed the different innovative approaches used to address the capacity needs in the water sector. The seminar built on a seminar held at the 2014 WWW.

The discussion was guided by a short opening presentation from Dr Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema, the WaterNet Manager. In his presentation he emphasised the need for capacity building to focus on all the vital pillars as emphasized in the UNDP model. These pillars include institutional arrangements, leadership, knowledge and accountability. He highlighted that most of the efforts have centred around enhancing knowledge to the exclusion of the other pillars. This presentation was followed by World Café style discussions in smaller groups facilitated by Nick Tandi of SIWI, Africa office. There were 6 themes and each table discussed a particular theme. The themes were best practices, impact of capacity building, mandate of capacity building-institutional arrangements, mandate of capacity building-leadership, mandate of capacity building-Accountability and models of capacity building. Discussion at each table had a facilitator who gave feedback in plenary.

For more information, please contact Mr. Krasposy Kujinga. ')}

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