Cap-Net´s Virtual Campus: ongoing courses and plans for the second half of 2016

Since its launch in 2014, Cap-Net’s virtual campus continues its increasing level of activities and variety of subject coverage. Operational in English and Spanish, and with the capacity to add more languages in the near future, 5 online courses are taking place in these first half of the year:

-Writing for Water, in partnership with the Rural Water Supply Network

-Drought Risk Reduction in IWRM, with UNEP-DHI, GWP, WMO, and affiliated networks REMERH, WaterCap, and Scan

-Water Integrity and Transparency for Arab countries, with Awarenet

-Derecho Internacional de Aguas en América Latina, with GWP Central & South America and LA-WETnet

-Introducción a la Estadística Aplicada a la GIRH, with ArgCap-Net

These courses are reaching over 150 participants from all developing regions, who count on the expertise guidance of more than 15 expert facilitators who are managing specific learning modules.

New courses are being prepared and will soon be announced for the second half of 2016 (September to November), these include Gender Mainstreaming in IWRM; Training on Trainers course for online courses; Water Footprint; and Sustainable water supply and sanitation systems for peri-urban areas (managed by WaterNet).

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