Cap-Net welcomes Lan (Phousavanh FONGKHAMDENG ) from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). Lan joins Cap-Net as Network attachment in Partnership Development for 3 months. Lan holds a Bachelor Degree on Environmental Science from the Centre for the Environment and Development Studies (CEDS), National University of Laos. He is a government official attached to the Department of Water Resources (DWR), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Lao PDR. He has experience with IWRM implementation at national, regional, river basin and sub-basin levels, contributing to national water resources strategy, law and related legislation development, national and international cooperation affairs for IWRM with various development partners and donors. Lan has also been involved as a project manager for IWRM related projects in Lao PDR. He has been designated as a national coordinator for ASEAN working group in water resources management, national alternate steering committee member for Global Water Partnership-Southeast Asia (GWP-SEA), national focal point for AguaJaring Network SEA and acts as an interim steering committee member for Lao PDR. In the region, he gained extensive experience in joining the on-the-job training as junior riparian professional in Mekong River Commission Secretariat. He is an excellent communicator with good human relations. A team player, Lan loves to travel and study. He can be contacted at ')}
Cap-Net Welcomes Lan from Laos