On 24 March, Cap-Net Lanka celebrated World Water Day 2021 with an educational programme for school children, organised at the Kothmale International Training Institute of Irrigation and Water Management (KITI-IWM) in Sri Lanka.
The programme was conducted for the conducted for school children children aged 15-16, with representatives from seven rural schools in the central hilly areas. As part of the competitions that celebrated the World Water Day theme of “Valuing Water”, the 80 participants, including teachers, designed posters, wrote essays and made some art. All the participants received certificates and plants at the end of the programme.

Two presentations: one on “water conservation” and the other one on “Climate Change in Sri Lanka and its impact on water resources” were held by two eminent resource persons in the country.
Students were informed that follow-up activities will be conducted to assess the outcomes and to support their initiatives.
Dr. S. Pathmarajah, Country Coordinator/Cap-Net Lanka and Eng. (Mr.) Frankie Perera, Director, KITI-IWM, coordinated the programme.