Cap-Net at Stockholm World Water Week 2016

Cap-Net UNDP secretariat participated at the World Water Week in Stockholm themed Water for sustainable development, 28 August to 2 September 2016. The programme displayed and distributed promotional material and knowledge products at the UNDP booth shared with other UNDP Water and Ocean Governance Programme delivery mechanisms. Over 800 USB sticks with updated Cap-Net material were distributed to participants and information on the launch of the Cap-Net in your pocket mobile app.

Due to budgetary constraints Cap-Net was unable to convene any session during the World Water Week but participated in various of one-to-one and partner meetings notably; The Cap-Net Board meeting and the sister programme UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI Annual Steering Committee.

Other meetings included the Water Integrity Network (WIN) meeting on their Strategy 2017 – 2022, engaging with Cap-Net for sharing knowledge and practical experiences. Cap-Net secretariat also held meetings with the following partners, WaterLex, UNEP, UNEP-DHI, Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), Cewas, and Water Research Commission of South Africa.

The World Water Week also provided an opportunity for face-to-face interviews with the external reviewer from PEM Consult on Sida support to the UNDP Water and Ocean Governance Programme which includes Cap-Net. Of particular note was also the attendance of Cap-Net affiliated network managers/coordinators namely WaterNet, SCaN, MyCDNet and a representative from Cap-Net Pakistan all who had one-to-one meetings with Cap-Net secretariat.

Finally, since fundraising is at the top of Cap-Net’s agenda the secretariat staff advanced discussions on possible collaboration, support and partnering with various agencies.

For more details, contact Themba Gumbo at Cap-Net secretariat.


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