Argentine Network for Capacity Development in Integrated Water Resources Managemenent

Countries covered | Argentina |
Who we are | Arg Cap-Net is a network made up of institutions in Argentina engaged in capacity development to promote Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Vision Establish an organization made up of public and private institutions for national and regional capacity building in IWRM. Mission Develop skills and encourage generation of knowledge to raise awareness of IWRM among individuals, organizations and society. Objectives – Educate and train human resources of all sectors and levels in IWRM. Raise awareness of IWRM.Promote and facilitate the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experiences in IWRM.Establish partnerships and strategic alliances with other institutions and networks. |
Network highlights, achievements | In addition to regular activities planned in the frame of Arg Cap-Net work plans (courses, workshops, materials development, etc.), it is important to remark three paradigmatic events, taking account its national scope, partnerships, number of participants and diversity of topics interesting to national, regional and local levels. Shortly after its creation, Arg Cap-Net was the protagonist of two very important activities: Workshop about «Integrated Flood Management Workshop. Capacity building, awareness raising and participation». It was held from October 5 to 8, 2004, in FICH-UNL (Santa Fe city, Argentina), organized by Arg Cap-Net, LA-WET Net and Global Water Partnership, South American Technical Advisory Committee (SAMTAC-GWP). It was attended by 40 participants belonging to national, regional and local institutions engaged to water management, civil defense, health, army, security, NGO’s, businesses and politicians of some Argentina’s provinces directly related to the topic (Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Jujuy, Mendoza, Misiones y Santa Fe). The topics were: IWRM theoretical frame; legal and institutional aspects; engineering; environment; social and health aspects; study cases. Promotion of IWRM Master Programme. Arg Cap-Net powered the creation in 2006 of this postgraduate career, through national univertisties of Litoral, Cuyo and Córdoba. Workshop about «Riverside line and water risk». It was organized by Arg Cap-Net, Federal Water Council -one of the most important political organization engaged with water resources- and National Universities of La Plata and Litoral, both members of Arg Cap-Net. The activity took place in La Plata city, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on August 15 and 16, with sponsorship of Buenos Aires Water Authority and Water Resources National Subsecretariat. More than 300 specialists, professionals, teaching researchers and students from all over the country and from different disciplines (Engineering, Surveying, Law, Geomorphology, Social Communication, among others) met to exchange experiences, reach consensus and validate methodologies or procedures that could be used for the definition and delimitation of the riverside and water risk lines. The conclusions of the meeting will be submitted to the National Commission for Permanent Follow-up on the Riverside Line and Water Risk.III Water Policy Conference. It was held in Buenos Aires city, Argentina, on 27 and 28 June, with the motto “Water policy in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. It was organized by Arg Cap-Net, the Federal Water Council and Water Resources National Subsecretariat. More than 300 participants worked in workshop mode and addressed the following topics: institutional capacities and legal framework; water risk management; drinking water and sanitation; inter-jurisdictional management of basins; evaluation and monitoring of water resources quality. |
Partnerships | Arg Cap-Net has 21 active members that are highlight by: Various profiles: the members belong to different geographic regions, with their own demands. Also, they are institutions in charge of water management; non-governmental organizations that have among their missions the protection of water resources and the environment; basin organizations; companies that provide drinking water and sanitation services, and universities and scientific-technological institutes dedicated to the training of human resources, research and the preparation of studies and projects for the rational use and preservation of water and the environment.Networking: the members have achieved to work together in activities purposed in the Arg Cap-Net work plans.Interdisciplinary: the members are specialized in different topics related to IWRM. According to Cap-Net categories, the principal topics are: climate-resilient integrated water resource and coastal management; Climate-resilient access to water supply and sanitation; Gender mainstreaming in water management plans and projects; IWRM for the management of socio – environmental conflicts. |
Contact information | |
Social media | FB: IG: @argcapnet |