25/05/2020: Register for the MOOC on Social Innovation in Water and Climate Change in Africa

Cap-Net and GWP developed a module on Social Innovation and climate-proof Integrated Water Resources Management for the AfriAlliance MOOC called Social innovation in water and climate change in Africa.

In view of the increasing manifestations of Climate Change on the African continent, the main goal of this course is to increase awareness of the potential of social innovation to address water and climate challenges in Africa. This requires novel and holistic approaches in order to deal with the impacts on water resources and society. One such approach is social innovation – tackling societal, water-related challenges arising from Climate Change by combining the technological & non-technological dimensions of innovation.

Dates and Fee 

Start: 02 June 2020 

End: 12 July 2020

Deadline for application: 25 May 2020

Course fee: Free

Register here: https://ocw.un-ihe.org/

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